
  • Plus Government Fee on Actuals

    Get a free consultation on filing a trademark renewal by scheduling an appointment with a TaxFino Expert.


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  • Plus Government Fee on Actuals

    Get a free consultation on filing a trademark opposition or responding to a trademark opposition by scheduling an appointment with a TaxFino Expert.


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  • Plus Government Fee on Actuals

    Get a free consultation on replying to a trademark objection by scheduling an appointment with a TaxFino Expert


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  • Plus Government Fee on Actuals

    To register a trademark, a trademark application must be filed by the applicant with the relevant Trade Mark Registrar in the prescribed format.


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  • Plus Government Fee on Actuals

    The Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 introduced to improve the hygiene and quality of food has brought about tremendous changes in the food industry


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  • Plus Government Fee on actuals

    A Trade License is required from State Government or Corporation or Municipality to operate a place of business within the concerned State, Corporation, or Municipality.


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  • IE Code application must be made to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade along with the necessary supporting documents.


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  • MSME stands for micro, small and medium enterprises. MSME enterprises are the backbone of any economy and are an engine of economic growth, promoting equitable development for all.


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