Director Resignation


Including Government Fee

Director of a company is a person elected by the shareholders for managing the affairs of the company as per the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company

Director Resignation

Price: Rs.3,990.00

The Director of a company is a person elected by the shareholders for managing the affairs of the company as per the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company. A director in a company may need to resign or the Board of Directors or Shareholders may want to remove a Director for any reason. In such cases, a Director can resign or be removed by filing the intimation of a change of Director with MCA.

The procedure for the resignation of a director and removal of a Director by the Board or Shareholders vary. A Director can resign from a company by giving a notice in writing to the company and the Board is required to file the necessary filings with MCA within 30 days. A Director can also send a copy of the resignation letter to the ROC directly by filing a different set of forms.

TaxFino can help you affect the resignation of the director of a company. Get a free consultation on the procedure for the resignation of the director by scheduling an appointment with a TaxFino Expert.

Let’s Get Started!


  • Resignation of Director is required in case of change/modification in Company’s management


  • A Director can resign if he/she is no longer associated with the Company

  • In case of change in management of the Company, a Director can resign from the Company

  • If the maximum number of Companies in which a person can be Director has reached, the Director needs to resign from one of the Companies to be appointed as Director in another Company


Resignation Letter
Company’s acknowledged copy of resignation letter

Do you have Any Questions?

If you have sold your Company or a majority stake in it, the new management may require for resignation of existing Director. But it’s not mandatory. You can still be Director of the Company if new management is fine with it.

Any person can be Director in maximum 20 Companies, of which there can be maximum 10 Public Limited Companies. If you want to become Director in one more Company, you need to resign from one of the existing Directorships.